Effective advertising on Facebook requires a compelling blend of entertainment, neatness, and personalization. Moreover, to create social media ads that resonate with your audience it is necessary to have a careful balance of creativity and planning.
Prospective candidates are more likely to engage with ads that are thoughtfully crafted. Thus, to ensure that your social media posts are both informative and strategic, follow these tips:
On Facebook*, images are recommended to have a resolution of at least 1080 by 1080 pixels and a maximum of 30 megabytes. The minimum technical requirement for size is 600 by 600 pixels with no maximum. They should be JPG or PNG.
Videos, however, can be MP4, MOV, or GIF, and should be at least 1080 x 1080 pixels and have a minimum duration of 1 second to 241 minutes.
*If you opt not to include an image or video for your campaign, a default image or video will be used.